Anderson Power Services is Your One-Stop-Shop for Full-Service Generator Installation, including Generac Transfer Switch Installation! Contact us!
We know what it’s like to live in the South, especially here in the Deep South. We know what it’s like to sweat through steamy summers, and work your fingers to the bone, stockpiling your deep freezer with meat and produce. We also know what it’s like when the power grid fails, and the air conditioning goes out. We know what it’s like when the power stays off for hours, and all the meat and produce you’ve worked so hard to keep frozen begins to thaw out. But we also know that there are solutions for your potential power outage problems. If you’ve thought about getting a whole home or business industrial generator from Generac, you should know that your investment could be nullified if you don’t get the right Generac Transfer Switch Installation. Since 1995, Anderson Power Services has been South Georgia, Coastal Georgia, and North Florida’s fastest growing generator installation company. Why do so many people trust Anderson Power? Because we do the job right, from the first time we do it. And that includes seamless, reliable Generac Transfer Switch Installation.
If you’ve wondered why Anderson Power is the fastest-growing Generac Generator installation service in the entire Southeastern United States, you won’t have to wonder anymore! When you contact Anderson Power for a FREE on-site assessment for full generator installation, including transfer switch installation, you’ll see why folks love Anderson Power Services. Since 1995, Anderson Power has been raising the bar of excellence for Full-Service Generator Installation in South Georgia, North Florida, Central Georgia, Coastal Georgia, and Metro Atlanta. From our Free On-Site Consultation to our expert level Generac Transfer Switch Installation, and so much more, we hope you experience the Anderson Power Services difference each and every time you call us for Installation, Service, Maintenance, or Repairs. Nobody beats Generac Generators for whole-home and business industrial generators, and nobody beats Anderson Power Services for Generac Transfer Switch Installation, and all other aspects of Full-Service Installation. Contact us today!
Do you have questions regarding a Transfer Switch Installation, Transfer Switch Repair, or some other related issue with your backup power supply? People ask a lot of questions about Generac Products, and Transfer Switches are no exception. People often wonder how much it costs to have an electrician install a transfer switch. They also wonder if you need a permit to install one, or if it takes an electrician with top-level experience to correctly install a transfer switch. Sometimes, people just wonder how transfer switches work, and if they are necessary to transfer power from your standby generator to your home or business. While your on-site generator expert can answer any question you have, and many more that you didn’t know you had, it’s important to work with professionals when looking to transfer your backup generator power supply into your home or business’s electrical workings. Prices and information may vary when you speak with your expert from Anderson Power Services, but for practical purposes, let’s take a look at some of the Generac Transfer Switch Installation issues you might have been wondering about.
You might not believe this, but day after day we see people spending thousands of dollars on a whole home or industrial generator from Generac, but won’t invest a single dollar in transfer switch installation. Buying a generator and not thinking about the transfer switch is like buying a brand new truck and not thinking about the keys. It just won’t work! But if you’re an intelligent homeowner, business owner, or property manager, you know that you need to be able to access the power from your generator when you need it. When Anderson Power Services performs a Generac Transfer Switch Installation, we can have your generator ready to fire up and supply power to your home or business within 2 seconds! That’s firing up the generator, switching your home or business from utility power to generator power, and supply all that electric goodness you need to keep things moving at the speed of life. Nobody handles your Generac Transfer Switch Installation needs like Anderson Power Services. Call or contact an expert today, and see what we can do for all your generator needs!
As far as cost normally goes, besides the costs of the Generac Transfer Switch itself, you might expect to pay a licensed electrician somewhere between $600 and $2,000 to install your switch, depending on time spent and job difficulty. Your Transfer Switch Installation expert might also encounter some problems with your internal wiring that you would need to have fixed before hooking your whole-home generator into your existing electrical system. As far as permits go, if you try and install your transfer switch yourself, you would likely need to attain a legal permit. But if you hire a professional electrician, they would be more likely to secure the proper permits you need to transfer power from a backup power supply to your home or business. Luckily for you, every Anderson Power technician is both a mechanical engineering expert, as well as a licensed electrical expert! Transfer Switches are nothing to take lightly, and Transfer Switch Installation can be hazardous if you don’t know what you’re doing. There’s really no reason to not call a professional to install your transfer switch, or to at least offer a FREE on-site assessment of your backup power supply situation. Call Anderson Power Services today to schedule a free on-site assessment of your generator needs.
Virtual or in-person, we will help you determine the best backup power solutions for your needs.
Contact Anderson Power Services today to set up a free virtual or in-person consultation and find the right product for your Southeast residential, commercial, or industrial needs.
We take pride in offering generator maintenance and generator repairs services for Generac Generators, and all other brands of Whole Home Generators. We keep your generators running strong!
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