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Generator Transfer Switch Installation

Your generator’s transfer switch is a critical component of your backup power system. Learn why it's important to trust a professional for transfer switch installation.

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional for Generator Transfer Switch Installation

A transfer switch is a critical component of your backup power system, and improper installation can lead to serious safety hazards. Anderson Power Services has been successfully installing generator transfer switches since 1995. We have the experience, expertise, and desire to give you clean, controlled, fast backup power when you need it most.

Safety First

One of the biggest benefits of hiring a professional like Anderson Power for generator transfer switch installation is safety. Improper installation can lead to electrical hazards, including electrocution and fires. Our professional electricians have the knowledge and experience to ensure that your transfer switch is installed correctly and safely. We will also ensure that all necessary permits and inspections are obtained, giving you peace of mind that your backup power system is up to code and safe to use. Don't risk your safety or the safety of your property, call the professionals from Anderson Power Services today!

Proper Installation

It’s no mystery that one of the biggest benefits of hiring a professional like Anderson Power for generator transfer switch installation is ensuring that it is done correctly. Our team has the knowledge and experience to properly install the transfer switch, ensuring that it is connected to the correct circuits and that all wiring is done safely and securely. This not only ensures that your backup power system will work when you need it, but also reduces the risk of electrical hazards and damage to your property. Trusting our professionals for installation is a smart investment in the safety and reliability of your backup power system.

Generator Transfer Switch Installation

Avoid Damage to Your Generator

Another benefit of hiring a professional team like Anderson Power for your generator transfer switch installation is avoiding damage to your generator. Improper installation can cause damage to your generator, which can be costly to repair or replace. A professional electrician will ensure that the transfer switch is compatible with your generator and that it is installed correctly to prevent any damage. This will help to extend the life of your generator and ensure that it is ready to provide backup power when you need it.

Compliance with Local Codes and Regulations

A lot of companies will overlook this section, but Anderson Power understands the importance of proper compliance. When it comes to generator transfer switch installation, compliance with local codes and regulations is crucial. Our electrician is familiar with the specific codes and regulations and will ensure that your installation meets all requirements. This not only ensures that your system is safe and reliable, but it also prevents any potential legal issues that could arise from non-compliance. By hiring the professionals from Anderson Power Services, you can be completely assured that your installation is up to code and in compliance with all regulations.

Peace of Mind

One of the biggest benefits of hiring Anderson Power for generator transfer switch installation is the peace of mind that comes with it. Knowing that your backup power system is installed correctly and up to code can alleviate any worries or concerns you may have about its reliability and safety. Additionally, if any issues do arise, we will be able to quickly and efficiently address them, minimizing any downtime or inconvenience. So sit back, relax, and let our professionals handle your generator transfer switch installation for ultimate peace of mind. Anderson Power is here for all your generator installation needs, transfer switch installation needs, and any other backup power need you may have. Call or contact us today to schedule a FREE on-site assessment of your backup standby power needs.